
Lo vintage está más de moda que nunca y las cámaras Lomo aún más… Por eso os propongo un concurso muy sencillo y con un fondo de lo más “cómodo” para poder ganar una de ellas gracias a Lufthansa. Si pinchas aquí accederás a #Tumbado en Facebook:
   Solamente tienes que subir una foto chula, diferente y divertida en la que estés TUMBADO y compartirla con tus amigos para que te voten. Las tres fotos más votadas se llevan una cámara LOMO. Así de sencillo!

¿Te apuntas? Verás como esto de estar #tumbado da mucho juego!
Yo he subido esta foto; tumbada entre hojas verdes que me hizo mi querido @mordovas hace ya un tiempo y me encanta 🙂


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  1. You’re so chic! So pretty…and you have such a great sense of style. Love your smile!
    Love your legs in the tights and shorts…… …You match perfectly…..everything you wear…… Adorable, as you are!
    Perfect balance. And your hair is over the top lovely……… I’ve always worn my hair almost as long myself…….
    I grew up in tights, being in ballet for 13 years. In fact, mom raised me rather androgynously, so I also wore tights under big sweaters and hip length tunics and such around the house growing up. Your lovely look reminds me of all those days….epsecially when the delivery man would come and I’d meet him at the door and he’s refer to me as Miss……
    Oh, by the way, I’m a guy…and I love fashion as much as I love dance.
    I’m traveling in Europe this fall,
    It looks like you have the same affinity for tights as I have…..
    I’ve been raving to my new friends about how much I love the tights/shorts look, so they encouraged me to try it myself…
    and I have in a big way,….. denim cutoffs, high waisted shorts, even a romper…….
    I will following your blog religiously….. thanks for sharing your lovely taste and your beauty

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